The Trust programmes are aligned to fulfil and support the framework for an inclusive education system laid out in, the Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System. The scope of this policy is broad as it attempts to address the diverse needs of all learners who experience barriers to learning.
The Trust acknowledges that all children, youth, and adults have the potential to learn, given the necessary support, and the system’s inability to recognise and accommodate the diverse range of learning needs results in a breakdown of learning. The Trust through the work of its partners, support the National Strategy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) which provides guidelines on early identification and support, the determination of nature and level of support required by learners, and identification of the best learning sites for support. Through this strategy the Trust, together with its partners, provides support to parents and teachers in implementing the strategy.
The Trust is cognisant of the fact that psychological services are essential for learner development, accommodation, adaptive functioning, and growth. However, these services are very scarce and costly. The Eastern Cape Department of Education sought the assistance of the Trust to conduct formal Cognitive Assessments by registered Psychometrists and Psychologists utilising official Cognitive Batteries for 580 learners in 68 special care centres with the aim of providing a formal diagnosis.
The objectives of the project were to provide assessments that encompassed, preventive, curative, and self-care measures for target beneficiaries; assessed 580 learners in 68 centres across the province with possible mild, moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities as well as special learning disorders.
The programme also sought to facilitate an inclusive cognitive assessment feedback that aids all beneficiaries for life-long learning and development including their formal diagnosis. Programme performance was measured based on each District reached. Below is the data showing the achievements as per the set targets for Phase One and Two.